Climat Screen

We offer a wide range of advanced daylight filter systems that are especially designed to minimize the entry of solar heat from outside into a room. Climat Screen is a product by our sister company SunFoil Techniek.

  • A wide range of advanced daylight filter systems that are especially designed to minimize the entry of solar-heat into a room.

  • TNO tested for efficiency and can be applied in several ways including in offices, hotels, houses, yachts, schools and healthcare

  • The unique features works bilateral; in the summer the warmth will be kept out and in the winter the warmth will stay inside


Download product leaflets

A quick overview of the different Forest Climat Screen systems can be found in the five productsheets below

leaflet 'Compact'

leaflet 'Compact centre roller'

leaflet 'Extra Compact'

leaflet 'Twin'

leaflet 'Fix'